ArticleChatGPT language model and its application in the field of libraries and information: an exploratory study.
ArticleChatGPT language model and its application in the field of libraries and information: an exploratory study.
ArticleThe use of artificial intelligence tool "ChatGPT" in the design of scientific research in the field of libraries and information: a prospective study using the Delphi method
ArticleThe use of artificial intelligence tool "ChatGPT" in the design of scientific research in the field of libraries and information: a prospective study using the Delphi method
ArticleReference Service and Inquiries-Answering Using ChatGPT 3.5 and Gemini: A Comparative Evaluative Study
ArticleReference Service and Inquiries-Answering Using ChatGPT 3.5 and Gemini: A Comparative Evaluative Study
ArticleEvaluating the Effectiveness of ChatGPT in Enhancing Cognitive Learning outcomes in Tourism Higher Education Based on Biggs’s 3P Model A Case Study: Faculties of Hotel and Touris
ArticleEvaluating the Effectiveness of ChatGPT in Enhancing Cognitive Learning outcomes in Tourism Higher Education Based on Biggs’s 3P Model A Case Study: Faculties of Hotel and Touris
Articleفاعلية تقنية الشات بوت "روبوتات المحادثة" بالمؤسسات الصحية في التوعية الصحية بفيروس کورونا المستجد
Articleفاعلية تقنية الشات بوت "روبوتات المحادثة" بالمؤسسات الصحية في التوعية الصحية بفيروس کورونا المستجد
ArticleText Chatbot Assisted Edublogs for Enhancing the EFL Technical Writing Performance among Computer and Informatics Students
ArticleText Chatbot Assisted Edublogs for Enhancing the EFL Technical Writing Performance among Computer and Informatics Students
ArticleCohesion and Coherence in Essays Generated by ChatGPT: A Comparative Analysis to University Students’ Writing
ArticleCohesion and Coherence in Essays Generated by ChatGPT: A Comparative Analysis to University Students’ Writing
Articleاتجاه الأكاديميين وأخصائي الإعلام التربوي نحو توظيف برنامج الذكاء الاصطناعي (ChatGPT) في الأبحاث العلمية وإنتاج المحتوى
Articleاتجاه الأكاديميين وأخصائي الإعلام التربوي نحو توظيف برنامج الذكاء الاصطناعي (ChatGPT) في الأبحاث العلمية وإنتاج المحتوى