ArticleEating attitudes and barriers to healthy eating and physical activity among a sample of university students in Egypt
ArticleEating attitudes and barriers to healthy eating and physical activity among a sample of university students in Egypt
ArticleThe risk of Obesity in relation to dietary habits among medical students at Minia University: Faculty of medicine, Minia, Egypt
ArticleThe risk of Obesity in relation to dietary habits among medical students at Minia University: Faculty of medicine, Minia, Egypt
Articleتعرُّض الشباب المصري لمحتوى مدوِّني الطعام" Food Bloggers" عبر مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي وعلاقته بالنِيَّة الشرائِيَّة"
Articleتعرُّض الشباب المصري لمحتوى مدوِّني الطعام" Food Bloggers" عبر مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي وعلاقته بالنِيَّة الشرائِيَّة"
ArticleSocio-behavioral factors associated with overweight and obesity among school children in Menoufia Governorate, Egypt
ArticleSocio-behavioral factors associated with overweight and obesity among school children in Menoufia Governorate, Egypt
ArticleDietary Patterns, Prevalence and Predictors of Obesity among Medical Students in Cairo University
ArticleDietary Patterns, Prevalence and Predictors of Obesity among Medical Students in Cairo University
Articleتأثير استخدام السوشيال ميديا علي تنمية الثقافة الغذائية لدي طلاب كلية التربية الرياضية جامعة بنها
Articleتأثير استخدام السوشيال ميديا علي تنمية الثقافة الغذائية لدي طلاب كلية التربية الرياضية جامعة بنها
ArticleThe Influence of Nutritional Awareness Program on Knowledge and Behavior of Egyptian Medical Students regarding Junk Food
ArticleThe Influence of Nutritional Awareness Program on Knowledge and Behavior of Egyptian Medical Students regarding Junk Food
ArticleAssessment of Eating Habits and Food Purchasing Behavior Changes among Cairo University 4th Year Medical Students during COVID-19 Pandemic, 2021
ArticleAssessment of Eating Habits and Food Purchasing Behavior Changes among Cairo University 4th Year Medical Students during COVID-19 Pandemic, 2021
Articleتعرض الجمهور المصري لمقاطع فيديو مدوني الطعام عبر وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي وعلاقته بالعادات الغذائية لديهم
Articleتعرض الجمهور المصري لمقاطع فيديو مدوني الطعام عبر وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي وعلاقته بالعادات الغذائية لديهم