ArticleReading and Writing Skills Development for kindergarten Children with Learning Disabilities Using Artificial Intelligence Applications
ArticleReading and Writing Skills Development for kindergarten Children with Learning Disabilities Using Artificial Intelligence Applications
Articleinteractive digital stories & develop the linguistic perception skills Children with learning disabilities
Articleinteractive digital stories & develop the linguistic perception skills Children with learning disabilities
ArticleA Program to Develop Phonological Awareness to improve Reading Skills for Children with Mental Disabilities
ArticleA Program to Develop Phonological Awareness to improve Reading Skills for Children with Mental Disabilities
Articleفاعلية كتاب إلكتروني تفاعلي لتنمية الذكاء المنطقي الرياضي والذكاء البصري المكاني لدى طفل الرَّوضة The Effectiveness of an Interactive E-Book to Develop the Kindergarten Child's L
Articleفاعلية كتاب إلكتروني تفاعلي لتنمية الذكاء المنطقي الرياضي والذكاء البصري المكاني لدى طفل الرَّوضة The Effectiveness of an Interactive E-Book to Develop the Kindergarten Child's L
ArticleVisual Learning and Science Teaching for Kids )Vision in the development of thinking skills for kindergarten children
ArticleVisual Learning and Science Teaching for Kids )Vision in the development of thinking skills for kindergarten children
Articleبرنامج تدريبي قائم على التعلم المتمايز لتنمية الذاکرة البصرية لأطفال الروضة المنبئين بصعوبات التعلم A training program based on differentiated learning to develop visual memory fo
Articleبرنامج تدريبي قائم على التعلم المتمايز لتنمية الذاکرة البصرية لأطفال الروضة المنبئين بصعوبات التعلم A training program based on differentiated learning to develop visual memory fo
ArticleEffectiveness of a program based on Sensory Integration to reduce some of the Visual Perception Difficulties among Children with Developmental Learning Disabilities
ArticleEffectiveness of a program based on Sensory Integration to reduce some of the Visual Perception Difficulties among Children with Developmental Learning Disabilities