Articleتأثير برنامج ارشادي نفسي علي مستوي العزوف الرياضي لدي لاعبات بعض رياضات الدفاع عن النفس بمحافظة أسيوط
Articleتأثير برنامج ارشادي نفسي علي مستوي العزوف الرياضي لدي لاعبات بعض رياضات الدفاع عن النفس بمحافظة أسيوط
ArticleThe Effect of Practicing Sport Shows on Improving the Psychological Coordination in Students of the Faculty of Physical Education
ArticleThe Effect of Practicing Sport Shows on Improving the Psychological Coordination in Students of the Faculty of Physical Education
Article"Effectiveness of a counseling cognitive Behavioral program to Reduce the Level of Self- handicapping and improving the Quality of life for university students".
Article"Effectiveness of a counseling cognitive Behavioral program to Reduce the Level of Self- handicapping and improving the Quality of life for university students".
ArticlePsychological aspects of injured and non-injured athletes with some "Descriptive Study - Comparative"national team players
ArticlePsychological aspects of injured and non-injured athletes with some "Descriptive Study - Comparative"national team players
ArticlePsychological aspects of injured and non-injured athletes with some "Descriptive Study - Comparative"national team players
ArticlePsychological aspects of injured and non-injured athletes with some "Descriptive Study - Comparative"national team players
Articleفاعلية برنامج رياضي مدعوما بالتوجيه والارشاد النفسي على تحسين بروفيل الحالات المزاجية وتخفيض حدة العدوانية لدي المعاقين ذهنياً القابلين للتعلم
Articleفاعلية برنامج رياضي مدعوما بالتوجيه والارشاد النفسي على تحسين بروفيل الحالات المزاجية وتخفيض حدة العدوانية لدي المعاقين ذهنياً القابلين للتعلم
ArticleThe effectiveness of a self-regulation program in improving the quality of university life among female students with physical disabilities
ArticleThe effectiveness of a self-regulation program in improving the quality of university life among female students with physical disabilities