ArticleThe reality of self-efficacy among female students of Faculty of Physical Education - Helwan University
ArticleThe reality of self-efficacy among female students of Faculty of Physical Education - Helwan University
ArticleStudying the differences in attitudes towards e-learning among female students of the Faculty of Physical Education
ArticleStudying the differences in attitudes towards e-learning among female students of the Faculty of Physical Education
ArticleFemale students’ Attitudes at Faculty of Physical Education towards the Use of Hybrid Learning to study the Gymnastics Course under Covid-19 pandemic
ArticleFemale students’ Attitudes at Faculty of Physical Education towards the Use of Hybrid Learning to study the Gymnastics Course under Covid-19 pandemic
ArticleThe quality of Blended education in the light of Covid-19 study from the point of view of a sample of Helwan University students
ArticleThe quality of Blended education in the light of Covid-19 study from the point of view of a sample of Helwan University students
Articleواقع درس التربيه الرياضيه بالمدارس الحکوميه والخاصه والتجريبيه والدوليه للمرحله الاعداديه من وجهه نظر الطالبات المعلمات (دراسه تحليليه)
Articleواقع درس التربيه الرياضيه بالمدارس الحکوميه والخاصه والتجريبيه والدوليه للمرحله الاعداديه من وجهه نظر الطالبات المعلمات (دراسه تحليليه)
Articleالمشکلات التى تواجه الطالبات المعلمات من وجهة نظرهم أنفسهم بکلية التربية للطفولة المبکرة جامعة القاهرة (دراسة ميدانية)
Articleالمشکلات التى تواجه الطالبات المعلمات من وجهة نظرهم أنفسهم بکلية التربية للطفولة المبکرة جامعة القاهرة (دراسة ميدانية)
ArticleFlipped learning strategies and their impact on developing educational web application skills among female students at Al Baha University
ArticleFlipped learning strategies and their impact on developing educational web application skills among female students at Al Baha University
ArticleThe reality of blended learning in public schools in Ramallah and Al-Bireh Governorate from the point of view of tenth grade students
ArticleThe reality of blended learning in public schools in Ramallah and Al-Bireh Governorate from the point of view of tenth grade students
Article"The Reality of Education Using "Madrasati" Electronic Platform in the Physical Education Lesson from the Primary School Teachers' Point of View in Taif"
Article"The Reality of Education Using "Madrasati" Electronic Platform in the Physical Education Lesson from the Primary School Teachers' Point of View in Taif"
Article"تاثير برنامج باسلوب الواقع الافتراضي علي مستوى الکفايات المهنية للطالبة المعلمة بکلية التربية الرياضية جامعة الزقازيق"
Article"تاثير برنامج باسلوب الواقع الافتراضي علي مستوى الکفايات المهنية للطالبة المعلمة بکلية التربية الرياضية جامعة الزقازيق"