ArticleThe Effect of Short Duration Isometric and Dynamic Exercises on Pain Threshold in Healthy Young Females
ArticleThe Effect of Short Duration Isometric and Dynamic Exercises on Pain Threshold in Healthy Young Females
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ArticleDifferences in Electromechanical Delay Subsequent to Neuromuscular Fatigue: A Potential Relationship to Physical Fitness Training
ArticleDifferences in Electromechanical Delay Subsequent to Neuromuscular Fatigue: A Potential Relationship to Physical Fitness Training
ArticleThe effect of flexible resistance training on the lPHC muscle group in improving the level of performance SUPLEX Skill for 2nd Stage Wrestlers (Cadets)
ArticleThe effect of flexible resistance training on the lPHC muscle group in improving the level of performance SUPLEX Skill for 2nd Stage Wrestlers (Cadets)
Articleفاعلية تدريب الاطالة بأسلوب الانقباض الاسترخاء – الانقباض على المدى الحرکي للمفاصل ومستوى اداء الشقلبة الامامية البطيئة على جهاز الحرکات الارضية
Articleفاعلية تدريب الاطالة بأسلوب الانقباض الاسترخاء – الانقباض على المدى الحرکي للمفاصل ومستوى اداء الشقلبة الامامية البطيئة على جهاز الحرکات الارضية
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Articleتأثير تمرينات تأهيلية علي القوة العضلية لعضلات الفخذ الأمامية المصابة بالتمزق لدى متسابقي 3000متر/موانع
ArticleEffectiveness of CrossFit drills on muscular endurance and Consecutive attempts cases for youth weightlifters
ArticleEffectiveness of CrossFit drills on muscular endurance and Consecutive attempts cases for youth weightlifters
ArticleEffectiveness of CrossFit drills on muscular endurance and Consecutive attempts cases for youth weightlifters
ArticleEffectiveness of CrossFit drills on muscular endurance and Consecutive attempts cases for youth weightlifters