Background: Hip abductors muscles are extremely important during several activities and its weakness can affect our daily life activities. Objective: This study aimed to investigate the effect of strengthening trunk muscles on Hip abductors strength and endurance in young adults.
Patients and methods: This study was conducted on 58 patients. They were assigned into 2 equal groups: Group A (Control group) consisted of 29 subjects received conventional hip abduction exercises from standing position against a theraband and group B (Study group)consisted of 29 subjects received the same hip abduction exercises plus a curl up exercise performed 3 days a week at October University for Modern Sciences and Art (MSA). Results: There was statistically significant differences in the mean values of maximum abductor isometric strength post-study between both groups (p= 0.038) in favor of group B, in the mean values of time of unilateral bridging test post-study between both groups (p= 0.046) in favor of group B and in the mean values of time of hip abductor endurance post-study between both groups (p= 0.005) in favor to group B.
Conclusion: Curl up exercise combined with hip abduction resisted exercise against an elastic band did a significant improvement regarding the maximum hip abductors isometric strength, and there was a significant difference in Hip abductors endurance compared to doing just hip abductors resisted exercise only. It's recommended to add curl up exercise in programs aimed to improve Hip abductors strength and endurance.
Hip abductors strength, Trunk muscles, Curl up exercise
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The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine
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Effect of Trunk Muscles Strengthening on Hip Abductors Strength and Endurance in Young Adults