ArticleE-marketing in blogs for folk arts in light of the sustainable development goals in the Arab Republic of Egypt
ArticleE-marketing in blogs for folk arts in light of the sustainable development goals in the Arab Republic of Egypt
Articleالتسويق الإلکترونى بالمدونات للفنون الشعبية فى ضوء أهداف التنمية المستدامة بجمهورية مصر العربية
Articleالتسويق الإلکترونى بالمدونات للفنون الشعبية فى ضوء أهداف التنمية المستدامة بجمهورية مصر العربية
ArticlePolicies and Plans for the Development of Traditional Handicrafts and Local Industries in Egypt
ArticlePolicies and Plans for the Development of Traditional Handicrafts and Local Industries in Egypt
ArticleThe Project of Developing the Traditional and Heritage Crafts and The Local Industries at the Villages of Upper Egypt and the red Sea
ArticleThe Project of Developing the Traditional and Heritage Crafts and The Local Industries at the Villages of Upper Egypt and the red Sea
ArticleThe Egyptian identity in the design of printing fabrics for tourist souvenirs between digital entrepreneurship and the knowledge economy
ArticleThe Egyptian identity in the design of printing fabrics for tourist souvenirs between digital entrepreneurship and the knowledge economy
ArticleMarketing Egyptian Crafts Villages for Preserving the Cultural Heritage "Applied on the Nubian Village of Gharb Soheil"
ArticleMarketing Egyptian Crafts Villages for Preserving the Cultural Heritage "Applied on the Nubian Village of Gharb Soheil"