ArticleEffect of Talent Management Strategies on Improving the Organizational loyalty to Egyptian Hotel workers
ArticleEffect of Talent Management Strategies on Improving the Organizational loyalty to Egyptian Hotel workers
ArticleThe impact of talent management on promoting organizational innovation in the Central Agency for Organization and Administration in Egypt
ArticleThe impact of talent management on promoting organizational innovation in the Central Agency for Organization and Administration in Egypt
ArticleTalent management practices and their impact in achieving organizationalexcellence in major sports clubs in the Arab Republic of Egypt
ArticleTalent management practices and their impact in achieving organizationalexcellence in major sports clubs in the Arab Republic of Egypt
Articleاثر إدارة المواهب فى تطوير أداء العاملين فى قسم الأغذية والمشروبات ( بالتطبيق على فنادق فئة الأربعة والخمس نجوم فى مدينة شرم الشيخ)
Articleاثر إدارة المواهب فى تطوير أداء العاملين فى قسم الأغذية والمشروبات ( بالتطبيق على فنادق فئة الأربعة والخمس نجوم فى مدينة شرم الشيخ)
ArticleThe Impact of Talent Management and Strategic Intelligence on Sustainable Competitive Advantage in the Egyptian Banking Sector
ArticleThe Impact of Talent Management and Strategic Intelligence on Sustainable Competitive Advantage in the Egyptian Banking Sector
ArticleThe Role of Talent Management Practice in Supporting the Employees Innovation of Five Star Hotels in Cairo
ArticleThe Role of Talent Management Practice in Supporting the Employees Innovation of Five Star Hotels in Cairo