ArticleSTUDY THE EFFECT OF ZEOLITE ON CADMIUM ADSORBTION, LEAD, ZINC AND COPPER IN SOME SYRIAN SOILS دراسة تأثير الزيوليت على ادمصاص الکادميوم والرصاص والزنک والنحاس في بعض أنواع الترب ا
ArticleSTUDY THE EFFECT OF ZEOLITE ON CADMIUM ADSORBTION, LEAD, ZINC AND COPPER IN SOME SYRIAN SOILS دراسة تأثير الزيوليت على ادمصاص الکادميوم والرصاص والزنک والنحاس في بعض أنواع الترب ا
ArticleDetermining Cadmium Activities and Predicting Solid- Phases Which Control Its solubility in the Soil irrigated with Sewage Water, in Egypt
ArticleDetermining Cadmium Activities and Predicting Solid- Phases Which Control Its solubility in the Soil irrigated with Sewage Water, in Egypt
ArticleSorptivity of Cd, Co and Pb on Soil, Montmorillonite and CaCO3 under Effect of their Different Concentrations in Equilibrium Solution
ArticleSorptivity of Cd, Co and Pb on Soil, Montmorillonite and CaCO3 under Effect of their Different Concentrations in Equilibrium Solution