Articleخبر الواحد المخالف للأصول ومدى حجيته The news of the one who violates the rules and the extent of his authenticity
Articleخبر الواحد المخالف للأصول ومدى حجيته The news of the one who violates the rules and the extent of his authenticity
Articleمخالفة الصحابي لروايته من خبر الواحد وأثرها في الفروع الفقهية The Companion’s contradiction of His Narration from sole narrator and its Impact on the Jurisprudential Branches"
Articleمخالفة الصحابي لروايته من خبر الواحد وأثرها في الفروع الفقهية The Companion’s contradiction of His Narration from sole narrator and its Impact on the Jurisprudential Branches"