ThesisComparison of the effect of endovac system to needleirrigation on apical extrusion and antimicrobialefficacy : An In vitro study
ThesisComparison of the effect of endovac system to needleirrigation on apical extrusion and antimicrobialefficacy : An In vitro study
ThesisAn in vitro evaluation of smear layer removal andapical extrusion of root canal debris and irrigantsusing new brush-covered irrigation needle
ThesisAn in vitro evaluation of smear layer removal andapical extrusion of root canal debris and irrigantsusing new brush-covered irrigation needle
ThesisEvaluation of the effect of rotary and ultrasonic instrumentation with different irrigations on dentinal surface and bacterial contents of root canals : An in vitro study
ThesisEvaluation of the effect of rotary and ultrasonic instrumentation with different irrigations on dentinal surface and bacterial contents of root canals : An in vitro study
ThesisEvaluation of the effect of different irrigation protocols on cleanliness and adhesion of Epoxy-resin and Glass-ionomer based sealers : An In-vitro study
ThesisEvaluation of the effect of different irrigation protocols on cleanliness and adhesion of Epoxy-resin and Glass-ionomer based sealers : An In-vitro study
ThesisEvaluation of new sonic system against induced enterococcus faecalis biofilm in root canals : Microbiologic and SEM study
ThesisEvaluation of new sonic system against induced enterococcus faecalis biofilm in root canals : Microbiologic and SEM study
ThesisAntimicrobial activity and effect on smear layer removal of three new endodontic irrigants : A comparative in-vitro study
ThesisAntimicrobial activity and effect on smear layer removal of three new endodontic irrigants : A comparative in-vitro study
ThesisA Comparison of meitrac and ultrasonic techniques for the removal of fractured rotary instruments : An in vitro study
ThesisA Comparison of meitrac and ultrasonic techniques for the removal of fractured rotary instruments : An in vitro study
ThesisEfficiency of a precision system of root canal obturating material : In vivo and in vitro study
ThesisEfficiency of a precision system of root canal obturating material : In vivo and in vitro study
ThesisThe efficiency of two retreatment systems on the removal of two obturation sealers under two irrigation regimens : Comparative study
ThesisThe efficiency of two retreatment systems on the removal of two obturation sealers under two irrigation regimens : Comparative study
ThesisOrthograde retrieval of root canal obstructions using innovative techniques : An in vitro study
ThesisOrthograde retrieval of root canal obstructions using innovative techniques : An in vitro study