The purpose of this study was to evaluate the weight of debris and irrigant volume extruded apically and cleanliness of smear layer from root canal in vitro after endodontic instrumentation and irrigation by NaviTip FX, a brush-covered irrigation needle. Forty single rooted teeth were randomly divided into two groups and teeth in each group were further divided into two sub-groups according to penetrated the needles at full and half working length, respectively. Then all groups instrumented using HERO shaper system. Following each file use, the canals were irrigated with 5 ml of 5.25% NaOCl and 1 ml of 17% EDTA using the NaviTip FX needle and the same needle without brush for group 1 and 2, respectively. Apically extruded debris and irrigant were measured. At the end of instrumentation, the roots were cut longitudinally and each half was divided into three equal parts .The specimens were then routinely prepared for scanning electron microscopic evaluation. The results showed no statistically significant difference on comparing of two groups in debris extrusion and Group 1 showed statistically significantly higher mean irrigant volume than Group 2.Also the using of NaviTip FX produced no statistically significant difference between mean smear layer scores in the two groups at the apical and coronal third in all sub-groups except at middle third in Group 2 when the needle penetration to half working length showed the highest statistically significant mean smear layer score . Further development of this irrigation technique to improve cleanliness and avoid extrusion is required before recommended for routine use during root canal therapy.