ThesisSurvival and factors that might affect outcome of patients with Wilms' tumor at NCI: A retrospective study
ThesisSurvival and factors that might affect outcome of patients with Wilms' tumor at NCI: A retrospective study
ThesisOncologic and functional outcome of childrenWith bone sarcomas treated with chemotherapy and limb salvage surgery
ThesisOncologic and functional outcome of childrenWith bone sarcomas treated with chemotherapy and limb salvage surgery
ThesisSurgery versus neoadjuvant chemotherapy plus surgery in management of locally advanced breast cancer
ThesisSurgery versus neoadjuvant chemotherapy plus surgery in management of locally advanced breast cancer
ThesisA retrospective comparative study of modified radical versus conservative breastsurgery in early stages breast cancer
ThesisA retrospective comparative study of modified radical versus conservative breastsurgery in early stages breast cancer
ThesisComparative study between combined abdominoperineal endorectal pullthrough and transanal endorectal pullthrough in management of HirschsprUng’s disease
ThesisComparative study between combined abdominoperineal endorectal pullthrough and transanal endorectal pullthrough in management of HirschsprUng’s disease
ThesisThe role of neoadjuvant chemotherapy in surgical decision making for patients with breast cancer : During the period from 2008 to 2011
ThesisThe role of neoadjuvant chemotherapy in surgical decision making for patients with breast cancer : During the period from 2008 to 2011