ThesisAsymptomatic carotid atherosclerosis and silent brain infarction in patients with metabolic syndrome
ThesisAsymptomatic carotid atherosclerosis and silent brain infarction in patients with metabolic syndrome
ThesisPrevalence of carotid artery atherosclerosis and its relation to left ventricular function in patients with chronic renal failure
ThesisPrevalence of carotid artery atherosclerosis and its relation to left ventricular function in patients with chronic renal failure
ThesisAssessment of patients with lacunar infarction : Magnetic resonance spectroscopy and psychometry
ThesisAssessment of patients with lacunar infarction : Magnetic resonance spectroscopy and psychometry
ThesisAsymmetric dimethylarginine,C-reactive proteinand carotid intima media thickness in chronicrenal failure patients on regular hemodialysis
ThesisAsymmetric dimethylarginine,C-reactive proteinand carotid intima media thickness in chronicrenal failure patients on regular hemodialysis