Purpose: This work aims to assess the prevalence and quality (type)of sleep disorders in chronic renal failure patients. Subjects & Methods: Aprospective study was conducted on 40 patients with chronic renal failureand they were subdivided into two groups. Patients without heamodialysisHD (group I) (n=20), and patients on regular HD (group II) (n=20), and 20sex and age matched control subjects. All subjects were subjected tothrough neurological and medical history taking and examination,Hamilton scale for depression, Epworth sleepiness scale ESS, laboratorywork up, and polysomnography. Results: All patients had sleep complaintsin the form of excessive daytime sleepiness, difficulty falling asleep, earlymorning awakening, jerking leg movements and fragmented sleep. Patientsgroup had significant polysomnographic abnormalities when compared tocontrol group while, only sleep efficiency was statistically significantlylower in group I compared to group II. Hb was positively correlated withsleep efficiency, and negatively correlated with AHI, AHI in nonREM, CA,hypopnea and number of awakening.FBS was negatively correlated withTST, sleep efficiency, lowest O2 and average O2 in REM and non REM,and was positively correlated with S1 sleep stage, AHI and hypopnea,Epworth sleepiness scale correlations: was positively correlated to centralapnea. Conclusion: There is a high prevalence of sleep disorders in chronicrenal failure CRF patients whether they are on regular heamodialysis HD ornot and, proper management of these disorders will improve the morbidityand quality of life of those patients.