ThesisScintimammography in the evaluation of breast masses : A comparison with mammography and histopathological diagnosis
ThesisScintimammography in the evaluation of breast masses : A comparison with mammography and histopathological diagnosis
ThesisRole of different imaging modalities in the assessment of breast disorders related to pregnancy and lactation
ThesisRole of different imaging modalities in the assessment of breast disorders related to pregnancy and lactation
ThesisThe role of dual energy contrast enhanced digital mammography in characterization of breast lesions in edematous breast
ThesisThe role of dual energy contrast enhanced digital mammography in characterization of breast lesions in edematous breast
ThesisRole of diffusion-weighted imaging as an adjunct to contrast-enhanced MRI in assessment of suspicious breast lesions
ThesisRole of diffusion-weighted imaging as an adjunct to contrast-enhanced MRI in assessment of suspicious breast lesions
ThesisThe role of dual-energy contrast-enhanced digital mammography in detection and diagnosis of lesions in dense breasts
ThesisThe role of dual-energy contrast-enhanced digital mammography in detection and diagnosis of lesions in dense breasts
ThesisLocally advanced breast cancer comparison of mammography, sonography and MR imagingin evaluation of residual disease in womenreceiving neoadjuvant chemotherapy
ThesisLocally advanced breast cancer comparison of mammography, sonography and MR imagingin evaluation of residual disease in womenreceiving neoadjuvant chemotherapy