ThesisThe study of the technical aspects of video-endoscopically performed aortic anastomosis in a pulsatile pocrine aortic model
ThesisThe study of the technical aspects of video-endoscopically performed aortic anastomosis in a pulsatile pocrine aortic model
ThesisThe role of thoracic aortobifemoral bypass graft in management of juxtarenal aortic occlusion disease in surgically fit patient
ThesisThe role of thoracic aortobifemoral bypass graft in management of juxtarenal aortic occlusion disease in surgically fit patient
ThesisRandomized prospective study for the retroperitoneal versus transperitoneal approach to the aorta and iliac arteries
ThesisRandomized prospective study for the retroperitoneal versus transperitoneal approach to the aorta and iliac arteries