ThesisColorimetric and surface topographic changes of two hybrid ceramics after immersion in beverages with different pH
ThesisColorimetric and surface topographic changes of two hybrid ceramics after immersion in beverages with different pH
ThesisShade changes of cemented cerasmart laminate veneers after exposure to commonly consumed beverages : An in-vitro study
ThesisShade changes of cemented cerasmart laminate veneers after exposure to commonly consumed beverages : An in-vitro study
ThesisSurface roughness and color stability of two milled esthetic restorative materials in different oral media
ThesisSurface roughness and color stability of two milled esthetic restorative materials in different oral media
ThesisEffect of water storage conditions on themarginal accuracy of different provisionalprosthetic materials
ThesisEffect of water storage conditions on themarginal accuracy of different provisionalprosthetic materials
ThesisEffect of different prepared tooth color on the resulting optical properties of two ceramic materials
ThesisEffect of different prepared tooth color on the resulting optical properties of two ceramic materials
ThesisThe effect of different oral media on the surface roughness and color stability of two milled esthetic materials
ThesisThe effect of different oral media on the surface roughness and color stability of two milled esthetic materials
ThesisInfluence of substructure material and repeated firings on the color stability of the veneering porcelain
ThesisInfluence of substructure material and repeated firings on the color stability of the veneering porcelain
ThesisEffect of artificial aging on the microleakage of new provisional crown system luted with different cements
ThesisEffect of artificial aging on the microleakage of new provisional crown system luted with different cements