ThesisEffect of different luting resin cement polymerization on final color of machinable ceramic veneers
ThesisEffect of different luting resin cement polymerization on final color of machinable ceramic veneers
ThesisEffect of different prepared tooth color on the resulting optical properties of two ceramic materials
ThesisEffect of different prepared tooth color on the resulting optical properties of two ceramic materials
ThesisEffect of bleaching on the bond strength of ceramic laminate veneers using two adhesive resin cements with different mode of curing
ThesisEffect of bleaching on the bond strength of ceramic laminate veneers using two adhesive resin cements with different mode of curing
ThesisEffect of type and thickness of machinable ceramics on color masking of external and internal enamel discolorations
ThesisEffect of type and thickness of machinable ceramics on color masking of external and internal enamel discolorations
ThesisShade changes of cemented cerasmart laminate veneers after exposure to commonly consumed beverages : An in-vitro study
ThesisShade changes of cemented cerasmart laminate veneers after exposure to commonly consumed beverages : An in-vitro study