ThesisSurface roughness of the nano-filled bulk fill compared to nano-hybrid bulk fill resin composite before and after bleaching : An in-vitro study
ThesisSurface roughness of the nano-filled bulk fill compared to nano-hybrid bulk fill resin composite before and after bleaching : An in-vitro study
ThesisGap formation of bulk-fill resin composite versus nanofilled incremental resin composite in an acidic and alkaline medium after 24 hours and three months’ time intervals: An in-vi
ThesisGap formation of bulk-fill resin composite versus nanofilled incremental resin composite in an acidic and alkaline medium after 24 hours and three months’ time intervals: An in-vi
ThesisSurface roughness and color stability ofnanofilled resin composite material using twodifferent finishing techniques
ThesisSurface roughness and color stability ofnanofilled resin composite material using twodifferent finishing techniques
ThesisMicrohardness and surface roughness of demineralized enamel treated with resin infiltration system or glass ionomer varnishversus fluoride varnish: An in vitro study
ThesisMicrohardness and surface roughness of demineralized enamel treated with resin infiltration system or glass ionomer varnishversus fluoride varnish: An in vitro study
ThesisThe influence of acidic and/or abrasive challenge on the surface roughness of microfilled and nanohybrid flowable resin restorative materials :An in vitro study
ThesisThe influence of acidic and/or abrasive challenge on the surface roughness of microfilled and nanohybrid flowable resin restorative materials :An in vitro study
ThesisMicro-Shear Bond strength of bulk-filled Repaired Composite after surface treatment using diamond bur, etchant and their combination with the adhesive versus no surface treatment
ThesisMicro-Shear Bond strength of bulk-filled Repaired Composite after surface treatment using diamond bur, etchant and their combination with the adhesive versus no surface treatment
ThesisEffect of nano-hydroxyapatite or conventional hydroxyapatite versus artificial saliva in occluding patent dentinal tubules at different time intervals: In-vitro study
ThesisEffect of nano-hydroxyapatite or conventional hydroxyapatite versus artificial saliva in occluding patent dentinal tubules at different time intervals: In-vitro study
ThesisEffect of Nanotechnology based Liquid Polish material on color stability and surface roughness of two resin composite restorations
ThesisEffect of Nanotechnology based Liquid Polish material on color stability and surface roughness of two resin composite restorations
ThesisThe efficacy of finishing and polishing wheels and discs on surface gloss of nano-filled and micro-hybrid resin composites : An in-vitro study
ThesisThe efficacy of finishing and polishing wheels and discs on surface gloss of nano-filled and micro-hybrid resin composites : An in-vitro study
ThesisEffect of restoring endodontically treated teeth with nanohybrid resincomposite versus nano filled resin composite inlay systems with and withoutload cycling on the fracture resis
ThesisEffect of restoring endodontically treated teeth with nanohybrid resincomposite versus nano filled resin composite inlay systems with and withoutload cycling on the fracture resis