
Microhardness and surface roughness of demineralized enamel treated with resin infiltration system or glass ionomer varnishversus fluoride varnish: An in vitro study


Last updated: 05 Jan 2025




Conservative & Esthetic Dentistry


Ebrahim, Peter Edward


2018-08-26 05:29:04


2018-08-26 05:29:04


M.Sc. Thesis


Our study aims to compare between remineralization and sealing strategies of white spot lesion by using resin infiltration system without fluoride, resin modified glass ionomer varnish containing fluoride or remineralization using fluoride varnish on surface roughness and micro-hardness of initial enamel carious lesion.A total number of 30 sound human molars were used in this study, the teeth were sectioned to remove the root, then the crowns were sectioned again using the same cutting disc in a bucco-lingual direction into mesial and distal halves then embedded in acrylic resin in a Teflon mold with the enamel surface uncovered after that the specimens were soaked in a demineralizing solution for 72 hours to induce caries like lesion then the specimens were randomly divided into 2 main equal groups according to assessment method used as follow; first group will be subjected to micro-hardness testing and the second group were tested for surface roughness, each main group was divided into three subgroups according to the type of material tested with 10 specimens and 40 readings each in each group then each subgroup was assessed according pH cycling application and without pH cycling,Three materials were tested in this study; ICON resin infiltrant was used according to manufacturer instructions where Icon-Etch was applied for two minutes then rinsed off then, Icon-Dry was applied for 30 seconds, and air dried. At last, Icon infiltrant was applied for three minutes then light-cured for 40 seconds and a second coat of infiltrant was applied and left for one minute then light-cured for 40 seconds. For Clinpro XT varnish, a phosphoric acid etchant was applied for 30 seconds, then the varnish was applied on the enamel surface using microbrush applicator and light cured for 20 seconds. Bifluorid 10 varnish was applied using micro brush applicator in a single thin coat and left to be absorbed for 20 seconds.


1 Jan 2016





Created At

28 Jan 2023