برامج الحماية الاجتماعية ومنظومة دعم السلع الغذائية والخبز : الوضع الراهن وسبل التطوير
Last updated: 17 Dec 2024
برامج الحماية الاجتماعية ومنظومة دعم السلع الغذائية والخبز : الوضع الراهن وسبل التطوير
الحماية الاجتماعية
دعم السلع التموينية
هدي النمر
أحمد سليمان
بدأت مصر منذ تبني برنامجها للإصلاح الاقتصادي في عام 2016 في التوسع في برامج الحماية الاجتماعية شكل واضح، وخاصة في ظل ما تضمنه البرنامج من تدابیر اقتصادية تمثلت في ترشید الإنفاق الحكومي ٕوإعادة النظر في العدید من السياسات السعرية، مما أدى إلى موجة تضخمية شملت معظم وتخفيض الدعم السلع والخدمات الأساسية. حیث ارتفعت قيمة الدعم والمنح والمزايا الاجتماعية بالموازنة العامة للدولة بنحو 65 %بین عامي 2014/2015 و2019/2020 ،وتستحوذ برامج الحماية الاجتماعية على 6.82 %من قيمة هذا الدعم.
Since the adoption of its economic reform program in 2016, Egypt has begun to extensively expand social protection programs, especially in light of the economic measures included in the economic reform program that aimed at rationalizing government spending, reducing subsidies, and reconsidering many price policies, which led to an inflationary wave that included most commodities as well as basic services. The allocated value for subsidies, grants and social benefits in the budget increased by about 65% between 2014/2015 and 2019/2020, where social protection programs account for 82.6% of the value of this subsidy. Based on the foregoing, this paper aims to identify the most important aspects of social protection programs and food and bread subsidy in Egypt, present its development, discuss and analyze the extent to which they achieve their planned goals. In addition to introducing some recommendations on the future of social protection programs and food and bread subsidy in Egypt, including ways and mechanisms to improve its efficiency and enhance its effectiveness to improve the standard of living of those targeted by these programs. The paper emphasized that despite the important role of social protection programs in achieving social justice and improving the standard of living of the poor and marginalized groups in Egypt, more efforts are still required to achieve the desired benefit from these programs, especially in light of the high poverty rate in Egypt, which is close to 30% of population in 2019/2020. Moreover, assessing the effective impact of these programs needs more detailed data and specialized surveys.
معهد التخطيط القومى
سلسلة أوراق السياسات في التخطيط والتنمية المستدامة الإصدار رقم (10)
INP Report
Created At
24 Dec 2023