ArticleStudy of Fish Assemblages in Two Selected Stations in the Shatt al-Arab River After the Decline of Salt Incursion
ArticleStudy of Fish Assemblages in Two Selected Stations in the Shatt al-Arab River After the Decline of Salt Incursion
Articleدراسة تراکم بعض العناصر الثقيلة في لحوم سمک الحمري(Barbus luteus) وسمک الکارب العادي ( Cyprinus carpio ) في نهر الفرات –سوريا
Articleدراسة تراکم بعض العناصر الثقيلة في لحوم سمک الحمري(Barbus luteus) وسمک الکارب العادي ( Cyprinus carpio ) في نهر الفرات –سوريا
ArticleSeasonal Variations of Heavy Metal Accumulation in Water, Sediment and Target Organs of the Cichlid Fish, Oreochromis niloticus Inhabiting El-Bagouria Canal, El-Gharbia Governorat
ArticleSeasonal Variations of Heavy Metal Accumulation in Water, Sediment and Target Organs of the Cichlid Fish, Oreochromis niloticus Inhabiting El-Bagouria Canal, El-Gharbia Governorat
ArticleEvaluating the level of pollution of some heavy metals in four types of fish in the Diyala River / Iraq
ArticleEvaluating the level of pollution of some heavy metals in four types of fish in the Diyala River / Iraq
ArticleStudy of Pollution by Some Heavy Metals in the Water of the Tigris River in Some Areas of Salah Al-Din Governorate
ArticleStudy of Pollution by Some Heavy Metals in the Water of the Tigris River in Some Areas of Salah Al-Din Governorate
ArticleStudy relation between heavy metals in water and cultured fish at Abbassa fish farms, Al Sharkia, Egypt
ArticleStudy relation between heavy metals in water and cultured fish at Abbassa fish farms, Al Sharkia, Egypt
ArticleAssessment of Water Quality Using Heavy Metals Concentrations in Several Water Resources of Shatt Al-Arab and Tissues of the Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and the Shrimp (M
ArticleAssessment of Water Quality Using Heavy Metals Concentrations in Several Water Resources of Shatt Al-Arab and Tissues of the Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and the Shrimp (M
ArticleSeasonal variation of some heavy metals in tilapia fish organs in relation to water quality of lake Nasser and Balana sewage pond, Aswan, Egypt
ArticleSeasonal variation of some heavy metals in tilapia fish organs in relation to water quality of lake Nasser and Balana sewage pond, Aswan, Egypt
ArticleHeavy Metals Bioaccumulation in Liver and Muscle Tissues of the Common Sole Fish (Solea solea) Inhabiting Damietta Fishing Harbor, Egypt
ArticleHeavy Metals Bioaccumulation in Liver and Muscle Tissues of the Common Sole Fish (Solea solea) Inhabiting Damietta Fishing Harbor, Egypt