ArticleStructure Community of Phytoplankton as a Bioindicator of Water Quality in Situ Rawa Dongkal, East Jakarta, Indonesia
ArticleStructure Community of Phytoplankton as a Bioindicator of Water Quality in Situ Rawa Dongkal, East Jakarta, Indonesia
ArticlePresence of Microplastics in Water, Sediment, and Fish in Ancar Rivers Mataram City, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia
ArticlePresence of Microplastics in Water, Sediment, and Fish in Ancar Rivers Mataram City, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia
ArticleIdentification of Microplastic in the Digestive Tracts of Mackerel Tuna, Lemuru and Sea Water from Pangandaran, Indonesia
ArticleIdentification of Microplastic in the Digestive Tracts of Mackerel Tuna, Lemuru and Sea Water from Pangandaran, Indonesia
ArticleA review: The potential of microalgae as a marine food alternative in Banyuasin Estuary, South Sumatra, Indonesia
ArticleA review: The potential of microalgae as a marine food alternative in Banyuasin Estuary, South Sumatra, Indonesia
ArticleComposition, Abundance, and Distribution of Phytoplankton at Fitu Waters Ternate of North Maluku in Indonesia
ArticleComposition, Abundance, and Distribution of Phytoplankton at Fitu Waters Ternate of North Maluku in Indonesia
ArticleTemporal Distribution, Structure, Level, and Trophic Function of Plankton Communities in the Whiteleg Shimp Litopenaeus vannamei (Boone, 1931) Ponds in Sukabumi, Indonesia
ArticleTemporal Distribution, Structure, Level, and Trophic Function of Plankton Communities in the Whiteleg Shimp Litopenaeus vannamei (Boone, 1931) Ponds in Sukabumi, Indonesia
ArticleRevealing the Biodiversity of Marine Copepods Pontellidae on Small Islands (Jakarta Bay, Sikka Bay, and Ambon Bay), Affected by Anthropogenic Activities
ArticleRevealing the Biodiversity of Marine Copepods Pontellidae on Small Islands (Jakarta Bay, Sikka Bay, and Ambon Bay), Affected by Anthropogenic Activities