ArticlePlastic treatments of ceramic surfaces as an experimental approach to contemporary mural painting "an applied analytical study"
ArticlePlastic treatments of ceramic surfaces as an experimental approach to contemporary mural painting "an applied analytical study"
ArticleThe concept of technical experimentation and media diversity in the construction of plastic work
ArticleThe concept of technical experimentation and media diversity in the construction of plastic work
Articleالفن الترکيبي کمثير إبداعي في الفن التشکيلي السعودي المعاصر Installation Art as a stimulator in contemporary Art
Articleالفن الترکيبي کمثير إبداعي في الفن التشکيلي السعودي المعاصر Installation Art as a stimulator in contemporary Art
ArticleThe aesthetic and plastic dimensions of using the technique of combining the art of painting and the art of relief sculpture.
ArticleThe aesthetic and plastic dimensions of using the technique of combining the art of painting and the art of relief sculpture.
ArticleLithography as a printing technique and its impact on form and content in the field of contemporary ceramics
ArticleLithography as a printing technique and its impact on form and content in the field of contemporary ceramics