The researcher examines the methods of plastic and aesthetic
formulation of space depth in postmodern arts, and the research
problem is determined by how to determine the methods and
methods of plastic formulations of real emptiness in an anthology
of postmodern arts, the types of emptiness and ways of using
emptiness in works of art and how they change the value of space
by changing the plastic environment. The researcher assumes the
possibility of determining the plastic and aesthetic variables of
the concept of space in postmodern arts, identifying
contemporary art movements that use space as a basic element,
determining the methods and methods of their plastic artists, and
identifying technological influences and media that contribute to
raising the value of space in form in artistic works.
contemporary. The research also aims to identify the actual types
of space and ways of formulating them.
To identify selections from the methods of artists who use space
in their works in postmodern arts and to raise the aesthetic value
of space by identifying the plastic influences and media that
contribute to the formation of aesthetic space in postmodern arts.
The significance of the research lies in identifying the actual
types of space and revealing contemporary plastic concepts and
trends that combine the idea and technique of performance in
limited or absolute space. The research is determined by
considering research selections of artworks that use real space to
learn the methods of artists' methods and plastic aesthetic
concepts of the value of spatial depth.