ArticleSprache zwischen Fluktuation und Neuerung in Krisenzeiten Eine linguistische Untersuchung im Deutschen anhand der COVID-19-Pandemiekrise
ArticleSprache zwischen Fluktuation und Neuerung in Krisenzeiten Eine linguistische Untersuchung im Deutschen anhand der COVID-19-Pandemiekrise
ArticleSocial Life after Covid-19: a Linguistic Study in light of Shannon-Weaver's Model of Communication
ArticleSocial Life after Covid-19: a Linguistic Study in light of Shannon-Weaver's Model of Communication
ArticleThe World Reeling from a Global Pandemic: Covid-19 and its Social and Psychological Repercussions
ArticleThe World Reeling from a Global Pandemic: Covid-19 and its Social and Psychological Repercussions
ArticleFear and Suffering in the Absurd World of Albert Camus’ The Plague and its relevance to Covid-19 Pandemic
ArticleFear and Suffering in the Absurd World of Albert Camus’ The Plague and its relevance to Covid-19 Pandemic