ArticleLooking beyond nursing education practice to include sustainable health-care systems processes
ArticleLooking beyond nursing education practice to include sustainable health-care systems processes
ArticlePolarity Management Educational Training Program and Its Effect on Head Nurses' Leveraging Health Care Polarities and Guiding Hospitals' Transformation
ArticlePolarity Management Educational Training Program and Its Effect on Head Nurses' Leveraging Health Care Polarities and Guiding Hospitals' Transformation
ArticleDeveloping and Implementing an Educational Program about Sustainable Development Goals for Nurse Managers
ArticleDeveloping and Implementing an Educational Program about Sustainable Development Goals for Nurse Managers
ArticleImpact of Implementing a Leadership Development Training Program for Staff Nurses on Structural Empowerment, Leadership Self-Efficacy, and Clinical Leadership Practices
ArticleImpact of Implementing a Leadership Development Training Program for Staff Nurses on Structural Empowerment, Leadership Self-Efficacy, and Clinical Leadership Practices