ArticleEvaluating the Students Satisfaction about Traditional Courses and the University Services: As an Approach to Improve Quality in Higher Education.
ArticleEvaluating the Students Satisfaction about Traditional Courses and the University Services: As an Approach to Improve Quality in Higher Education.
Article Improving the performance of higher education: Quality Standards of Educational Technologies and Their Applications
Article Improving the performance of higher education: Quality Standards of Educational Technologies and Their Applications
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Articleآليات مقترحة لتحقيق جودة الحياة الجامعية لطلاب کلية التربية – جامعة بنى سويف فى ضوء مدخل التحسين المستمر (الکايزن)
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ArticleDevelopment of Students' Assessment System to Conform Academic Standards at Faculty of Nursing Tanta University: A Case Study
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Articleجودة الحياة والإنجاز الأكاديمي كمحددات لتقييم الطالبة للبيئة الامتحانية الجامعية Quality of Life and Academic Achievement as Determinants of Female Student Evaluation of Universi