Background: Higher education must continue to expand standards of education and training that are corresponding to international best practice. Measuring student‟s satisfaction is consistent with a total quality management approach. Aim of the study: to evaluate the students' satisfaction about traditional courses and the university services. Subjects & Methods: Research design: A descriptive design was used. Setting: the college of Applied Medical Sciences at Shaqra University, Kingdom Saudi Arabia. Subjects: a convenience sample of 100 female students was recruited from. Tools of data collection: two standardized questionnaires of National Commission for Academic Accreditation and Assessment (NCAAA) were used which include course evaluation questionnaire and students' experiences evaluation questionnaire. Results: 69.5% of the students were satisfied about the quality level of the courses. While only 33.2% of them agree on the effectiveness of the labs on the development of their skills. 75.5% of the participants agreed on the importance of the knowledge learned and that will be useful in the future. Besides that, 65.9% of them were satisfied about the ability of the courses to improve their critical thinking skills. Regarding students' experiences about the university services, 68.7% agreed about the availability of supplies and activities related to religious rites. In relation to computer supplies and resources, 47.6% of the sample agreed that it was enough. Conclusion: Availability of good courses and qualified staff can improve the students' critical thinking skills, but there was a shortage of the infrastructure of the college because it was newly started and developing. Recommendations: Taking into consideration the students opinions regarding evaluation of the courses, staff, services, and resources to continue in the total quality management process to get on international accreditation.