ArticleExamining the Impact of Content Marketing on Advertising Effectiveness: A Study on the Egyptian Market for Passenger Automobiles
ArticleExamining the Impact of Content Marketing on Advertising Effectiveness: A Study on the Egyptian Market for Passenger Automobiles
ArticleThe Impact of Marketing Mix on Purchase Decisions of Smart Automobile Industry in the Egyptian Context
ArticleThe Impact of Marketing Mix on Purchase Decisions of Smart Automobile Industry in the Egyptian Context
Articleأثر التسويق الإلكتروني على القرار الشرائي للعميل. (دراسة ميدانية) The Effect of E-Marketing on Customer Purchasing Decision. (A Field Study)
Articleأثر التسويق الإلكتروني على القرار الشرائي للعميل. (دراسة ميدانية) The Effect of E-Marketing on Customer Purchasing Decision. (A Field Study)