ArticleTechnical Reserves Audit Challenges and Opportunities with the Emergence of ERP: Investigating Egyptian Auditors Perceptions
ArticleTechnical Reserves Audit Challenges and Opportunities with the Emergence of ERP: Investigating Egyptian Auditors Perceptions
ArticleIndispensable Successful Implementation Features for E-Learning in the Egyptian Higher Education
ArticleIndispensable Successful Implementation Features for E-Learning in the Egyptian Higher Education
ArticleMitigating Requirement Technical Debt that Hinder Effective Integration of Carbon Emissions Management Software (CEMS) into ERP Systems in Egyptian Oil and Gas Sector
ArticleMitigating Requirement Technical Debt that Hinder Effective Integration of Carbon Emissions Management Software (CEMS) into ERP Systems in Egyptian Oil and Gas Sector
Articleمعوقات تطبيق الإدارة الإلکترونية فى الجامعات المصرية وآليات علاجها دراسة تطبيقية علي جامعة عين شمس
Articleمعوقات تطبيق الإدارة الإلکترونية فى الجامعات المصرية وآليات علاجها دراسة تطبيقية علي جامعة عين شمس