Articleالإمكانات الطبيعية للمحاجر ومشتقاتها وآثارها على البيئة وخلق فرص الاستثمار(محافظة القاهرة نموذجًا) The natural potential of quarries and their derivatives and their impact on the
Articleالإمكانات الطبيعية للمحاجر ومشتقاتها وآثارها على البيئة وخلق فرص الاستثمار(محافظة القاهرة نموذجًا) The natural potential of quarries and their derivatives and their impact on the
ArticleDevelopment of Heritage Tourism in Egypt and The Strategy of Including it on The Tourist Map: Applying to St. Catherine Area
ArticleDevelopment of Heritage Tourism in Egypt and The Strategy of Including it on The Tourist Map: Applying to St. Catherine Area
ArticleA Preliminary Perspective of Industrial Heritage and Geo-Tourism in the Quarry Site of Bir Hammamat
ArticleA Preliminary Perspective of Industrial Heritage and Geo-Tourism in the Quarry Site of Bir Hammamat