ArticleCan Malachite Green Concentrations in Edible Fish Cause Genetic and Hepatic Toxic Effects? An Experimental Study on Adult Albino Rats
ArticleCan Malachite Green Concentrations in Edible Fish Cause Genetic and Hepatic Toxic Effects? An Experimental Study on Adult Albino Rats
ArticleResidues of some heavy metals and their effects on the biochemical alteration and nutritional value of Tilapia Fish in El Temsah Lake
ArticleResidues of some heavy metals and their effects on the biochemical alteration and nutritional value of Tilapia Fish in El Temsah Lake
ArticleTOXIC EFFECTS OF THE FUNGICIDE MALACHITE GREEN ON CATFISH (CLARIAS GARIEPINUS) التأثير السام للمبيد الفطرى المالخيت األخضر على أسماک القرموط
ArticleTOXIC EFFECTS OF THE FUNGICIDE MALACHITE GREEN ON CATFISH (CLARIAS GARIEPINUS) التأثير السام للمبيد الفطرى المالخيت األخضر على أسماک القرموط