ArticleRelation between Exploitative Leadership and Nurses’ Work Alienation: The Mediating Role of Moral Disengagement
ArticleRelation between Exploitative Leadership and Nurses’ Work Alienation: The Mediating Role of Moral Disengagement
ArticleThe Role of Ethical Leadership on the Relationship between Organizational Cynicism and Alienation at Work: An Empirical Study
ArticleThe Role of Ethical Leadership on the Relationship between Organizational Cynicism and Alienation at Work: An Empirical Study
ArticleThe Effect of Exploitative Leadership and Perceived Organizational Injustice on Work Withdrawal Behaviors: The Mediating Role of Moral Disengagement
ArticleThe Effect of Exploitative Leadership and Perceived Organizational Injustice on Work Withdrawal Behaviors: The Mediating Role of Moral Disengagement
ArticleShadowy Influences: How Dark Triad Shapes Employee Rumination under Punitive Supervision in Luxury Hotels?
ArticleShadowy Influences: How Dark Triad Shapes Employee Rumination under Punitive Supervision in Luxury Hotels?
ArticleFamily leadership styles and their relationship to the psychological alienation of university students
ArticleFamily leadership styles and their relationship to the psychological alienation of university students
ArticleLeadership styles and their relation to job burnout and its reflection on social relations among university staff members and teaching assistants
ArticleLeadership styles and their relation to job burnout and its reflection on social relations among university staff members and teaching assistants
ArticleNarcissistic Leadership, Organizational Cynicism and their Relation with Meaningful Work among Nurses: Comparative Study
ArticleNarcissistic Leadership, Organizational Cynicism and their Relation with Meaningful Work among Nurses: Comparative Study