ArticleBlended Learning Academic Motivation Levels and EFL Students’ Grade Point Average Levels: A Correlational Study
ArticleBlended Learning Academic Motivation Levels and EFL Students’ Grade Point Average Levels: A Correlational Study
Article"The Effect of Using a Proposed Blended-Learning Based Program on Developing Translation Awareness, Skills and Satisfaction for English Majors"
Article"The Effect of Using a Proposed Blended-Learning Based Program on Developing Translation Awareness, Skills and Satisfaction for English Majors"
ArticleUsing Blended Learning for Developing Faculty of Dar Al-Uloom First Year EFL Students' Reading Comprehension and Grammatical Competence
ArticleUsing Blended Learning for Developing Faculty of Dar Al-Uloom First Year EFL Students' Reading Comprehension and Grammatical Competence
ArticleA Blended Learning Program Based on Cognitive Apprenticeship for Developing Critical Reading and Academic Enablers among EFL Pre-Service Teachers
ArticleA Blended Learning Program Based on Cognitive Apprenticeship for Developing Critical Reading and Academic Enablers among EFL Pre-Service Teachers
Articleدرجة توافر كفايات التعلم المدمج (Blended Learning) لدى معلمات التربية الإسلامية بالمرحلة الثانوية، من وجهة نظر المعلمات والمشرفات التربويات بمدينة مكة المكرمة
Articleدرجة توافر كفايات التعلم المدمج (Blended Learning) لدى معلمات التربية الإسلامية بالمرحلة الثانوية، من وجهة نظر المعلمات والمشرفات التربويات بمدينة مكة المكرمة
ArticlePromoting 21st Century Core Competencies, Academic Performance and Attitude among Gen Z Prospective EFL Teachers Through Blended Project-Based Learning …
ArticlePromoting 21st Century Core Competencies, Academic Performance and Attitude among Gen Z Prospective EFL Teachers Through Blended Project-Based Learning …
ArticleFace-to-face Sessions Versus Online Activities In a Blended Learning Environment in the Term of Students' Perception
ArticleFace-to-face Sessions Versus Online Activities In a Blended Learning Environment in the Term of Students' Perception
ArticleA Blended Learning Program based on the Process writing Approach to Enhance EFL Academic Writing Skills and Self-Efficacy among Student Teachers
ArticleA Blended Learning Program based on the Process writing Approach to Enhance EFL Academic Writing Skills and Self-Efficacy among Student Teachers