Three blends were formulated from corn grits, rice grits and defatted soybean with different percentages. The blends were extruded using a single extruder with different operational conditions: temperature of the extruder ranged from 175 to180o, moisture content of the raw material were (13%, 15, 17 and 19% w.b.), screw speeds were (500, 600, 700, 800, and 900 r.p.m.) and feeding rates were at (1.6, 1.8, 2 and 2.2 kg/min).Therefore, the extrudates were dried at 160 Co for 3min. Technical aspects and other physical and functional properties of the extrudates were studied.The samples were tested for sensory properties at zero time and after three months. Increasing the moisture content decreased the expansion rate while increasing both feed rate and screw speed increased the expansion rate.On the other hand increasing both moisture content and feed rate increased bulk density on contrary increasing screw speed decreased bulk density. In case of water absorption index (WAI), increasing moisture content increased WAI meanwhile increasing both screw speed and feed rate decreased WAI. As for water soluble index (WSI), increasing the moisture content, screw speed and feeding rate decreased WSI. The effect of storage (3 months) on the sensory properties including (taste, appearance, crispiness and overall acceptability) was very slightly since the scores given before and after storage were almost the same.