ArticleA proposed Inclusion- Based Program to Develop EFL Student teachers' Performance and Attitudes
ArticleA proposed Inclusion- Based Program to Develop EFL Student teachers' Performance and Attitudes
ArticleInclusion Education of Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder in General Classrooms: Teachers' Perceptions
ArticleInclusion Education of Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder in General Classrooms: Teachers' Perceptions
ArticleTeachers' Attitudes About Including Students With Autism In General Education Classrooms Inclusion Policy for Students with Autism in Saudi Arabia: The Challenge and Prospects of
ArticleTeachers' Attitudes About Including Students With Autism In General Education Classrooms Inclusion Policy for Students with Autism in Saudi Arabia: The Challenge and Prospects of
ArticleAttitudes of General Education Teachers and Learning Difficulties Teachers Towards Participatory Teaching for Elementary School Pupils in The Eastern Province
ArticleAttitudes of General Education Teachers and Learning Difficulties Teachers Towards Participatory Teaching for Elementary School Pupils in The Eastern Province
ArticleAttitudes of Saudi Arabian Elementary School Teachers Toward the Inclusion of Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder in the General Education Classroom
ArticleAttitudes of Saudi Arabian Elementary School Teachers Toward the Inclusion of Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder in the General Education Classroom
ArticleAttitudes of Saudi Arabian Elementary School Teachers Toward the Inclusion of Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder in the General Education Classroom
ArticleAttitudes of Saudi Arabian Elementary School Teachers Toward the Inclusion of Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder in the General Education Classroom
ArticleAttitudes of Schools' teachers’towards the integration of students with physical disabilities into regular schools and health services provided to them in schools
ArticleAttitudes of Schools' teachers’towards the integration of students with physical disabilities into regular schools and health services provided to them in schools
ArticleA Training Package Based on Digital Education in Developing the Professional Competencies of Inclusion Teachers and its Impact on Improving their Attitudes towards Students with
ArticleA Training Package Based on Digital Education in Developing the Professional Competencies of Inclusion Teachers and its Impact on Improving their Attitudes towards Students with
ArticleIntegration of Children with Special Needs into Regular Schools: Teachers and Parents Perspectives
ArticleIntegration of Children with Special Needs into Regular Schools: Teachers and Parents Perspectives