ArticleDevelope the Egyptian tourist market to enhance Accessible tourism according to the international standards
ArticleDevelope the Egyptian tourist market to enhance Accessible tourism according to the international standards
ArticleThe Readiness of Accommodation Facilities to Provide Accessible Tourist Experiences in Cairo, Egypt
ArticleThe Readiness of Accommodation Facilities to Provide Accessible Tourist Experiences in Cairo, Egypt
ArticleAn Evaluation of Entrepreneurial and Innovative Practices in Egypt's Tourism Industry: A Case Study Analysis
ArticleAn Evaluation of Entrepreneurial and Innovative Practices in Egypt's Tourism Industry: A Case Study Analysis
ArticleDeveloping a Competitive Accessibility Chain Approach in Egyptian Heritage Sites for Better Market Share of Grey Tourism: Aswan Case Study
ArticleDeveloping a Competitive Accessibility Chain Approach in Egyptian Heritage Sites for Better Market Share of Grey Tourism: Aswan Case Study
ArticleEvaluation of the Service Quality Provided to Domestic Tourists Participating in Equestrian Trekking Activities in Egypt
ArticleEvaluation of the Service Quality Provided to Domestic Tourists Participating in Equestrian Trekking Activities in Egypt