ArticleA Postcolonial Tale of Nature: The Postcolonial Eco-Poetics of Jack London's The Call of the Wild
ArticleA Postcolonial Tale of Nature: The Postcolonial Eco-Poetics of Jack London's The Call of the Wild
ArticleA Psychoanalytic Reading of Ahmed Saadawi's Novel Frankenstein in Baghdad قراءة لرواية أحمد سعداوي فرانكشتاين في بغداد من منظور التحليل النفسي
ArticleA Psychoanalytic Reading of Ahmed Saadawi's Novel Frankenstein in Baghdad قراءة لرواية أحمد سعداوي فرانكشتاين في بغداد من منظور التحليل النفسي
ArticleMental Patterns in Doris Lessing’s Briefing for a Descent into Hell: A Reading in the light of Jung’s Analytical Psychology
ArticleMental Patterns in Doris Lessing’s Briefing for a Descent into Hell: A Reading in the light of Jung’s Analytical Psychology
Article:Aboriginality & Whiteness in Relation to Bildungsroman Pursuing National Tolerance, Cultural Communication & Identity Formation in Thomas Keneally’s Novel The Chant of Jimmie Bl
Article:Aboriginality & Whiteness in Relation to Bildungsroman Pursuing National Tolerance, Cultural Communication & Identity Formation in Thomas Keneally’s Novel The Chant of Jimmie Bl