ArticleThe effectiveness of a Blended Learning program in enhancing manual skills of hand embroidery and crochet of Home Economics students
ArticleThe effectiveness of a Blended Learning program in enhancing manual skills of hand embroidery and crochet of Home Economics students
ArticleDeveloping the skills of Home Economics students through the Techniques of implementing the women's blouse
ArticleDeveloping the skills of Home Economics students through the Techniques of implementing the women's blouse
ArticleAn educational application of mobile photos to improve the embroidery skills of using the home sewing machines techniques for the students
ArticleAn educational application of mobile photos to improve the embroidery skills of using the home sewing machines techniques for the students
ArticleApplying of Hand Made Embroidery Style (Hardanger) on Some Upholstery Products designing a and The Execution and Evaluation of A Training Program for This Embroidery Style for a s
ArticleApplying of Hand Made Embroidery Style (Hardanger) on Some Upholstery Products designing a and The Execution and Evaluation of A Training Program for This Embroidery Style for a s
ArticleSkill Training Program to Employ Colored Ribbons in The Implementation of some Accessories and Utilizing Them The Investment Projects for The Students
ArticleSkill Training Program to Employ Colored Ribbons in The Implementation of some Accessories and Utilizing Them The Investment Projects for The Students
Articleوحدة تعليمية مقترحة لتنمية قدرات الطالبات في استخدام تقنيات فن النسيج المفاهيمي في تصميم مکملات الملابس
Articleوحدة تعليمية مقترحة لتنمية قدرات الطالبات في استخدام تقنيات فن النسيج المفاهيمي في تصميم مکملات الملابس
Articleفاعلية وحدة تعليمية مقترحة فى مقرر التريكو والكروشيه لإكساب الطلاب المعارف والمهارات الخاصة بفن الأميجرومى كمدخل للمشروعات الصغيرة The Effectiveness of a Suggested Educational Un
Articleفاعلية وحدة تعليمية مقترحة فى مقرر التريكو والكروشيه لإكساب الطلاب المعارف والمهارات الخاصة بفن الأميجرومى كمدخل للمشروعات الصغيرة The Effectiveness of a Suggested Educational Un