ArticleThe Impact of Using the Constructive Learning Strategy on the Level of Cognitive Achievement and Learning some Motor Skills in Swimming
ArticleThe Impact of Using the Constructive Learning Strategy on the Level of Cognitive Achievement and Learning some Motor Skills in Swimming
ArticleThe effectiveness of an educational program using the self-questioning strategy on learning the skill of the long jump middle school students
ArticleThe effectiveness of an educational program using the self-questioning strategy on learning the skill of the long jump middle school students
ArticleThe Effect of Using Mastery Learning Strategy on the Level of Technical and Quantitative Performance of Long jumping skill for Beginners
ArticleThe Effect of Using Mastery Learning Strategy on the Level of Technical and Quantitative Performance of Long jumping skill for Beginners
Articleتأثير استخدام أسلوب الاکتشاف الموجــه على تعلم مهارتي الجري والرمي لتلاميذ ذوى الاحتياجات الخاصة بدولة الکويت
Articleتأثير استخدام أسلوب الاکتشاف الموجــه على تعلم مهارتي الجري والرمي لتلاميذ ذوى الاحتياجات الخاصة بدولة الکويت
ArticleThe Effect of Using Some Mental Strategies on Directing Tension and the Level of Skill and Numerical Performance of 100-meter Hurdles Athletes
ArticleThe Effect of Using Some Mental Strategies on Directing Tension and the Level of Skill and Numerical Performance of 100-meter Hurdles Athletes
Articleتأثير برنامج تعليمي باستخدام نموذج التعلم البنائي على التحصيل المعرفي ومستوى أداء بعض مسابقات المضمار بدولة الكويت
Articleتأثير برنامج تعليمي باستخدام نموذج التعلم البنائي على التحصيل المعرفي ومستوى أداء بعض مسابقات المضمار بدولة الكويت
ArticleThe effectiveness of using a constructive learning strategy at the level of learning Handball defence skills
ArticleThe effectiveness of using a constructive learning strategy at the level of learning Handball defence skills