ArticleDesign Thinking for Developing Creative Reading Skills of EFL Student-Teachers at the Faculty of Education in Helwan University استخدام التفكير التصميمي لتنمية مهارات القراءة الإ
ArticleDesign Thinking for Developing Creative Reading Skills of EFL Student-Teachers at the Faculty of Education in Helwan University استخدام التفكير التصميمي لتنمية مهارات القراءة الإ
Articleبرنامج مقترح قائم على مهارات التفکير اللغوي والتاريخي وأثره على زيادة الوعي ببعض القضايا المحلية والعالمية لدى طلاب المرحلة الثانوية
Articleبرنامج مقترح قائم على مهارات التفکير اللغوي والتاريخي وأثره على زيادة الوعي ببعض القضايا المحلية والعالمية لدى طلاب المرحلة الثانوية
ArticleUsing a Situated Learning –based Strategy to Develop Some Critical Thinking Skills and Enhance English Language Learning Interest at Preparatory Stage Pupils
ArticleUsing a Situated Learning –based Strategy to Develop Some Critical Thinking Skills and Enhance English Language Learning Interest at Preparatory Stage Pupils
ArticleThe Effect of Design Thinking on Developing Creative Writing Skills for Student-Teacher, Faculty of Education, Helwan University
ArticleThe Effect of Design Thinking on Developing Creative Writing Skills for Student-Teacher, Faculty of Education, Helwan University
Article"Fostering Egyptian EFL Learners' Critical Thinking Abilities through the Implementation of the Toulmin Model in their Speaking Classroom"
Article"Fostering Egyptian EFL Learners' Critical Thinking Abilities through the Implementation of the Toulmin Model in their Speaking Classroom"
ArticleInvestigating EFL secondary stage teachers’ perceptions and instructional practices of 21st century skills based on some demographic characteristics
ArticleInvestigating EFL secondary stage teachers’ perceptions and instructional practices of 21st century skills based on some demographic characteristics