Hydrolyzed bovine collagen is a polypeptide composite made by further hydrolysis of denatured collagen or gelatin. The results indicated that molecular weights are within the range approximately 500 to 25000 Da. In hydrolysate, the molecular mass and the size of the molecules have been deliberately decreased by partially hydrolyzing the peptide bonds of the gelatin molecules. This will increase the hydrolyzed collagen dissolvable in cold water and does not gel anymore. The processes involved in processing hydrolyzed collagen are demineralization, extraction of gelatin from collagen, enzymatic hydrolysis to obtain hydrolyzed collagen, ion exchange, filtration, evaporation, sterilization and finally spray drying. In previous study a large number of studies focused on the enzymatic hydrolysis of collagen or gelatin for the production of bioactive peptide. This study aims to produce hydrolyzed bovine collagen with concentrate orange juice from low bloom gelatin which considered byproduct in gelatin manufacturing to be food supplement for arthritis. The result indicated that adding concentrated orange juice during producing of hydrolyzed collagen increased the nutritional value of collagen especially in vitamin C from 0 mg/100g. to 500 mg/100g. While protein content decreased from 91% to 88%. For sensory evaluation it was found that overall acceptability for hydrolyzed collagen with orange juice was higher than hydrolyzed collagen without adding orange juice 8.37 and 6.31 respectively. Amino acid profile showed that the hydrolyzed collagen was high in glycine content 339.6 mol/1000 mol and the Proline and Hydroxyproline were 103.6 and 80.7 mol/1000 mol respectively, this means that the Proline and Hydroxyproline percent were almost 18.4 % which are important for producing glucosamine in the human body in presence of ascorbic acid