ArticleDevelope the Egyptian tourist market to enhance Accessible tourism according to the international standards
ArticleDevelope the Egyptian tourist market to enhance Accessible tourism according to the international standards
ArticleThe Readiness of Accommodation Facilities to Provide Accessible Tourist Experiences in Cairo, Egypt
ArticleThe Readiness of Accommodation Facilities to Provide Accessible Tourist Experiences in Cairo, Egypt
ArticleAssessing the employees’ Absorptive Capacity Influence on innovation Performance in the Egyptian Travel Agencies
ArticleAssessing the employees’ Absorptive Capacity Influence on innovation Performance in the Egyptian Travel Agencies
ArticleCreative Tourism as a Catalyst for Enhancing Sustainability Levels in Small Communities in Egypt
ArticleCreative Tourism as a Catalyst for Enhancing Sustainability Levels in Small Communities in Egypt
ArticleThe Impact of Re-engineering Process in Human Resources Development Applied to Travel Companies in Egypt
ArticleThe Impact of Re-engineering Process in Human Resources Development Applied to Travel Companies in Egypt
ArticleThe reality of human recourses in the hotels sector: Comparative study between Egypt and Jordon
ArticleThe reality of human recourses in the hotels sector: Comparative study between Egypt and Jordon