The outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic was unexpected thus enforced most of educational institution globally to shut down their service in order to limit transmission of virus in over 100 countries. More than 370 students did not attend their educational institution because of unlimited nationwide shutdown. Succeeding the eruption of the Covid-19 pandemic, the potential of E-learning becomes significant and dominant for global learning to comply with preventive measure of virus spreading - announced by UNESCO.
UNESCO urged the educational institution to shift online and utilize learning applications and platforms to reach the enrolled students and deliver the content remotely. The argument is “whether the move toward E-learning will persist post-pandemic". The study conducts empirical study using survey of more than 500 students enrolled across Egyptian universities to question the challenges experienced in relation to the sudden move of online-learning post COVIDVIRUS from technological perspective to the performance aspects. Many obstacles impose to frontier the continuity and smoothness of E-learning process especially for developing countries as countries with less established infrastructure one.
The research provides as well an overview on state-of-art of the impact of COVIDVIRUS on learning process and its rapid shift to the electronic trend. The study gives reflections on findings and proposes further recommendation to optimize the outcome of the educational process post-COVID-19
Online - Learning, COVID-19 Outbreak, challenges
Deputy Dean for Scientific Research and Postgraduates Studies, College of Management and Technology, Arab Academy for Science & Technology,
Alexandria, Egypt
-Last Name
Mohamed Abd Elghany
Associate Professor in Marketing and International Business Department, College of Management and Technology, Arab Academy for Science & Technology,
Alexandria, Egypt
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المجلة العلمية للدراسات التجارية والبيئية
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Exploring the Learning Implication and Technical Complications of Online-Learning Transition Post- COVID: Case study of Egypt