ArticleAssessment of Drinking Water Quality and Heavy Metal Pollution in Treatment Plants in Damietta Governorate, Egypt
ArticleAssessment of Drinking Water Quality and Heavy Metal Pollution in Treatment Plants in Damietta Governorate, Egypt
ArticleESTIMATION OF SOME CHEMICAL POLLUTANTS IN DRINKING AND SURFACE WATER IN UPPER EGYPT تقييم بعض الملوثات الکيميا ئية في مياه الشرب والمياه السطحية بصعيد مصر
ArticleESTIMATION OF SOME CHEMICAL POLLUTANTS IN DRINKING AND SURFACE WATER IN UPPER EGYPT تقييم بعض الملوثات الکيميا ئية في مياه الشرب والمياه السطحية بصعيد مصر
Article"Study of the Wastewater Quality of Some Industries at Amriya District, Alexandria Governorate"
Article"Study of the Wastewater Quality of Some Industries at Amriya District, Alexandria Governorate"
ArticleContour maps of Air Pollutants and their Health Risk Assessment in Abu-Rawash Wastewater Treatment Plant, Egypt
ArticleContour maps of Air Pollutants and their Health Risk Assessment in Abu-Rawash Wastewater Treatment Plant, Egypt
ArticleMonitoring of some chemical and biological pollutants in wastewater of Bahr ElBaqar, Bilbies and El-Qalyubia drains in East Delta, Egypt for Irrigation purposes.
ArticleMonitoring of some chemical and biological pollutants in wastewater of Bahr ElBaqar, Bilbies and El-Qalyubia drains in East Delta, Egypt for Irrigation purposes.
ArticleAssessment of Biological and Chemical Contaminations in Household Taps and Filters Water in Giza Governorate, Egypt
ArticleAssessment of Biological and Chemical Contaminations in Household Taps and Filters Water in Giza Governorate, Egypt
ArticleEnvironment Impact Assessment of Sewage Treatment Plants al Case Study AL-Berka Sewage Treatment Plant
ArticleEnvironment Impact Assessment of Sewage Treatment Plants al Case Study AL-Berka Sewage Treatment Plant