In two field trials during the winter seasons (2000/2001 and 200112002),
garlic plants were grown at the Hort. Res. Farm of EI- Bramoon. Dakahlia
Governorate. to evaluate the effects of application times of P-fertilizer, either a single
or In combinations with some micro-nutrients on plant growth, Yield and its
components as welt as chemical constituents and bulb storability during five months of
storage period. Phosphorus was applied as a soil dressing at 90 kg P20slfed In four
different times, i.e. 100 % before planting (8P), 75% (8P)'" 25% at 30 days after
planting (AP). 50 % (BP) •. 50 % in 2 equal doses 30 and 50 days (AP) and 25% (BP)
•. 75% In 3 equat doses 30. 60 and gO days (AP) Micro-nutnents were used in
mixture. 100 ppm each of Fe, ZI1 and Cu sprayed on plants once or twice 30 and 60
days (APl. at the level of 400 liters I fed.
Results showed thai application of P In splits was generally more beneficial
than the single dressing. The applied-P as 25% (BP) •. 75% tAP) exerted Significant
increases on plant height, leaf area/plant and dry weight/plant as well as total yield.
bulb weight and diameter, clove weight and P concentrations In ptant foliage and
cloves. Moreover. storability of bulbs was markedly Improved as a resull of reducing
the total weight loss percentage during the storage period. Most of the studied
parameters of the plants sprayed with micro-nutrients were more better than those of
the untreated. Application of micro-nutrients at 30 and 60 days after planting was
more useful Ihan the application once. The positive inleractions between application
times of P-fertilizer and micro-nutrients were often observed. The best results were
generally obtained by applied-P in doses 25% (BP) + 75% (AP) with foliar spray of
rrucro-nutnents at 30 and 60 days (AP). Therefore. Ihls treatment could be
recommended for raising productivity and improving bulb quality of garlic under such
conditions of this study.