ArticleRelation between Weight-Related Bullying and Emotional Reactions among Adolescents and Their Coping Strategies
ArticleRelation between Weight-Related Bullying and Emotional Reactions among Adolescents and Their Coping Strategies
ArticleEmotional Eating, Social Anxiety and Depression among Normal-weight and Obese Adolescents: A Comparative Study
ArticleEmotional Eating, Social Anxiety and Depression among Normal-weight and Obese Adolescents: A Comparative Study
ArticleRelationship between Emotional Aspect of Preparatory School Childrenand their Exposure to Negative Life Experience
ArticleRelationship between Emotional Aspect of Preparatory School Childrenand their Exposure to Negative Life Experience
ArticlePsychological Pain, Anger Rumination, and Its Relation with Suicidal Ideations among Patients with Major Depressive Disorder
ArticlePsychological Pain, Anger Rumination, and Its Relation with Suicidal Ideations among Patients with Major Depressive Disorder